Friday, September 24, 2010


It is time for me to get a recipe out...

a recipe of how to handle the new seasons of my son's life in Kindergarten, as he deals with transition, medicine... and symptoms of A.D.H.D and NF1.
I need to get my spices in order.....
For this new brew... I will need
Patience- with his behavior as he adjusts to new things
Gratitude - that his NF1 is at bay.. for now.. Nf1 brings a list of concerns for me.. but I try hard to put it in a comfortable place in my mind...
Celebration- I will pick this spice up more often.. and try to celebrate more of his milestones..first bus ride, first field trip without me.. first hit over the fence in baseball.
research- I always over use this spice...but I feel it helps me be a proactive parent.
Lots of instinct- I think mother's do a lot on instinct...and I will use a lot of it in this new fall brew.

I will mix all these ingredients together to get a sweet smelling and savory mix.
The mix with be me making the magic of my son's interests of the week...taste great to us.. as a family...
I will give him extra hugs... and try to limit the yelling
I will try not to obsessively dwell on his future or shortcomings... or what could happen.. and just relax and have a nice taste of the brew... and all it has to offer...

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